
Banshee creature
Banshee creature

Only the cleansing rays of true sunlight, a symbol of healing, renewal, and forgiveness, evokes anything resembling fear in these nearly mindless harbingers of death. In either event, the spirit of the slain elf rises with the next sunset as a creature of indiscriminate vengeance whose hatred of the living targets both innocent and guilty with equal ferocity. Maddened by grief, a banshee visits her vengeance on all living creatures-innocent or guilty-with her fearsome touch and deadly wails.Ī banshee is the undead spirit of an elven woman who, in her last moments of life, either committed some sort of heinous betrayal of her friends and family or was herself dealt a soul-shattering, torturous death at the hands of those she thought were her allies and loved ones. The most powerful greater banshees also have additional bard levels-these bard levels stack for the purposes of determining what caster level and additional spells the greater banshee has access to.Ī banshee is the enraged spirit of an elven woman who either betrayed those she loved or was herself betrayed.

banshee creature

A typical greater banshee knows the following spells:Ĥth (1/day)- dimension door, hallucinatory terrain (DC 19)ģrd (3/day)- crushing despair (DC 18), dispel magic, fear (DC 18), slow (DC 18)Ģnd (4/day)- darkness, minor image (DC 17), shatter (DC 17), whispering windġst (5/day)- animate rope, lesser confusion (DC 16), silent image (DC 16), unseen servantĠth (3/day)- dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 15), mage hand, message, open/close, prestidigitationĪ greater banshee is a CR 15 monster, although many of them are advanced in Hit Dice beyond the standard banshee, increasing their CR by 1 for each additional 4 Hit Dice gained. Bardic MagicĪ greater banshee casts spells as a 10th-level bard. She gains Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), and Perform as class skills. A greater banshee has an Intelligence score of 16 rather than 5, and gains additional skill points as appropriate for her Intelligence score. Greater banshees retain their minds and are capable of executing long and complex plots to spread death and dismay. These newly created banshees are always standard banshees-a greater banshee cannot spawn another greater banshee. Any female elf slain by a greater banshee’s wail rises in 1d4 rounds as a banshee under the control of the greater banshee who slew her. Those who fail to save against a greater banshee’s wail are slain immediately rather than being reduced to –1 hit points. Banshee wails are supernaturally powerful, and penetrate the effect of any spell of 3rd level or lower that creates silence. If a wailing banshee is damaged during a wail, she must make a Will save (DC 15 + damage taken) to maintain the wail otherwise it ends. Those that fail take 140 points of damage (as if affected by a CL 14 wail of the banshee). Creatures that make their save are sickened for 1d6 rounds. (This save is only required once per wail.) Creatures under the effects of a fear effect take a –4 penalty on this save. All creatures within 40 feet of the banshee when she begins her wail, as well as all creatures that end their turn within that radius, must make a DC 23 Fortitude save. The wail lasts until the beginning of her next turn.

banshee creature

Once per minute, a banshee may wail as a full-round action. Negative energy damage caused by a banshee’s touch can only harm the living it cannot heal undead. If a target is protected against fear by a dispellable effect (such as heroes’ feast or mind blank), the banshee’s touch attempts to dispel one such effect with greater dispel magic (CL 14th). Failure means that the victim cowers in fear for 1d3 rounds.

banshee creature

Terror (Su)Ī creature damaged by the banshee’s touch attack must make a DC 23 Will save. Skills Fly +19, Perception +31, Sense Motive +7Ī banshee can sense the beating hearts of living creatures within 60 feet, as if it had the blindsight ability. Str -, Dex 32, Con -, Int 5, Wis 20, Cha 19įeats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Step Up, Weapon Focus (touch), Wind Stance

#Banshee creature plus

Melee incorporeal touch +26 (14d6 negative energy plus terror) Init +15 Senses darkvision 60 ft., hear heartbeat Perception +31ĪC 26, touch 26, flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +11 Dex, +1 dodge)ĭefensive Abilities incorporeal Immune undead traits This beautiful, ghostly elven woman glides through the air, her long hair flowing around a face knotted into a mask of rage.

Banshee creature